I just wanna tell the world that you're mine
- My last class was cancelled.
- My plans for the weekend are all set!
Oh how I wish that was me
I'll be drunk again, to feel a little love
- to get my homework done
- to exercise
- to take a shower
- to clean up in my room BECAUSE IT'S SUCH A MESS ugh
- to try to answer more of you're questions
- to eat dinner
- to look through some blogs
Rant #1.1
Rant #1
OH WOW I'M NOT GUNNA WRITE DOWN MORE QUESTIONS NOW I'LL JUST LEAVE IT HERE. I hope you get where I'm trying to take you though. JUST ASK ME! It will be fun. All wierd and completely asshole questions will be answered too. Just. Ask. Me. Anything. Stupid or not. I have a feeling that I won't get any questions and I'm just gonna feel stupid for taking time and giving you this opportunity but whatever...lol.
“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life.”
Goals for November
I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.
"There is hope in dreams, imagination, and in the courage of those who wish to make those dreams a reality."
My day
Hi lovelies
Believe me when I say so
Oh god, I love this. Just cause it's a monday, nothing fitness-related.
About me [UPDATED]
- Am reserved
- Listen carefully
- Prefer solitary activities
- Am more comfortable when alone than when around other people
- Get exhausted by social interaction
- Have quiet energy
- Listen more than talk
- Think quietly inside my head
- Think, then act
- Feel comfortable being alone
- Prefer to work "behind-the-scenes"
- Have good powers of concentration
- Prefer to focus on one thing at a time
- Am self-contained
- Am introspective
- Rely on my imagination
- Become absorbed in ideas
- Focus on what might happen
- Focus on the big picutre & possibilities
- Admire creative ideas
- Notice anything new or different
- Am inventive - I see "what could be"
- Think about future implications
- Trust my gut instinct
- Prefer to learn new skills
- Like to figure things out for myself
- Work in bursts of energy
- Am sensitive
- Follow my heart
- Keep feelings close to the surface
- Focus on harmony and cooperation
- Decide based on my feelings
- Appear warm and friendly
- Am convinced by how I feel
- Am diplomatic and tactful
- Value harmony and compassion
- Take many things personally
- Am quick to compliment others
- Am motivated by appreciation
- Avoid arguments and conflicts
- Am decisive
- Prefer clear rules and guidelines
- Am eager to commit
- See deadlines as sacred
- Like to have things settled
- Take responsibilities seriously
- Pay attention to time, usually prompt
- Prefer to finish projects
- Work first, play later
- Seek closure
- See the need for most rules
- Like to make & stick with plans
- Find comfort in schedules
My primary mode of living is focused internally, where I take things in primarily via intuition. My secondary mode is external, where I deal with things according to how I feel about them, or how they fit with my personal value system.
I tend to be quiet and reserved. I generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and I expend energy in social situations. I tend to be more abstract than concrete. I focus on future possibilities rather than immediate realities. I tend to plan my activities and make decisions early. I derive a sense of control through predictability. I regard problems as opportunities to design and implement creative solutions.
I'm sometimes mistaken for being an extrovert, as I tend to possess multiple personalities due to my complex inner life; however, I'm a true introvert. I'm a private individual who prefer to exercise my influence behind the scenes. Though I'm very independent, I'm intensely interested in the well-being of others. I prefer one-on-one relationships to large groups. I'm adept at understanding complicated issues and driven to resolve differences in a cooperative and creative manner.
I have a rich, vivid inner life that I'm reluctant to share with those around me. Nevertheless, I'm congenial in my interactions and perceptive of the emotions of others. I'm generally well-liked by my peers. However, I'm guarded in expressing my own feelings, especially to new people and tend to establish close relationships slowly. I tend to be easily hurt, though I may not act like it. I may "silently withdraw as a way of setting limits" rather than expressing my wounded feelings - a behavior that may leave others confused and upset.
I tend to a be a sensitive, quiet leader with a great depth of personality. I'm intricately, deeply woven, mysterious, highly complex, and often puzzling, even to myself. I have an orderly view towards the world, but am internally arranged in a complex way that only I can understand.
I'm gentle, caring, complex and an highly intuitive individual. I'm artistic and creative, and I believe that I live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities.
I place great importance on having things orderly and systematic in my outer world. I put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in my life. On the other hand, I operate within myself on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. I know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. I'm usually right, and I usually know it. Consequently, I put a tremendous amount of faith into my instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between my inner and outer world, and may result in me not being as organized as others tend to be. You may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.
I have an uncanny insight into people and situations. I get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, I experience a sense of psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discover later that they've hurt themselves. This is the sort of thing that other people may scorn and scoff at, and me myself do not really understand my intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, I'm protective of my inner self, sharing only what I choose to share when I choose to share it. I'm a deep, complex individual, who's quite private and typically difficult to understand. I hold back parts of myself, and can be secretive.
But I'm as genuinely warm as I'm complex. I hold a special place in the heart of people who I'm close to, who are able to see my special gifts and depth of caring. I'm concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. I'm very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive my normally peaceful self into a state of agitation or charged anger. I may tend to internalize conflict into my body, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress.
Because I have such strong intuitive capabilities, I trust my own instincts above all else. This may result in stubborness and a tendency to ignore other people's opinions. I believe that I'm right. On the other hand, I'm a perfectionist who doubts that I'm living up to my full potential. I'm rarely at complete peace with myself - there's always something else I should be doing to improve myself and the world around me. I believe in constant growth, and don't often take time to revel in my accomplishments. I have strong value systems, and need to live my life in accordance with what I feel is right. In some ways I'm gentle and easy going. Conversely, I have very high expectations of myself, and frequently of my family. I don't believe in compromising my ideals.
I'm a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective. I think I'll turn out to be a loving parent with a strong bond to my children. I'll have high expectations of my children, and I'll push them to be the best that they can be. I'll probably be hard-nosed and stubborn at times. But generally, I will be devoted and sincere, and will care for them deeply.
In the workplace, I usually show up in areas where I can be creative and somewhat independent. I have a natural affinity for art, and I'll probably excel in the sciences, where I can make use of my intuition. I'm not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks. I will either avoid such things, or else go to the other extreme and become enveloped in the details to the extent that I can no longer see the big picture. When I've gone the route of becoming meticulous about details I may be highly critical of other individuals who are not.
Although I'm likely to put friends behind my family in terms of importance, I do value my friendships. As an idealist who have strong value systems, I seek authenticity and depth in my close relationships, and especially value people who can see and appreciate me for who I am and what I stand for.
I have friends with a lot of different personality types. I'm an extremely intuitive individual, who will have no patience for anyone I feel is dishonest or corrupt. I'll have no interest in being around these kinds of people.
As a friend I'm likely to be very insightful, warm and caring. It will not be easy to get to know me well as I hide my true thoughts deep within my mind – however, if my friends are determined enough to work on the friendship, its strength and depth will be remarkable. I'm very enigmatic and difficult to decipher yet I'm able to see through other people’s masks very easily. Authenticity and sincerity are extremely important if you want to become friends with me.
I'm not really interested in friendships which mostly revolve around practical, daily matters or physical activities. I'm a quiet yet very determined idealist, brimming with desire to make the world a better place. Therefore, I'm likely to seek friends who are willing to let a bit of idealism into my life and engage in deep, meaningful discussions about things that go beyond the daily routines.
I also tend to be relatively perfectionistic, which can be both a very positive and a very negative trait when it comes to relationships. On one hand, I will seek to grow and develop together with my close friends, seeking out life-enriching experiences. On the other hand, this tendency to always reach for the ideal may exhaust people with different personalities than mine, as they may not have the same stamina and determination that I possess. Consequently, I may keep moving from one friend to another, hoping that the next one will be more similar to me than the last.
I constantly have to remind myself that I have an extremely rare personality type and to not get frustrated if my friends don't share 100% of my principles or goals. I seek friends that I can trust, and who are both willing and able to understand my passions and ideas. Not many people can cope with the depth and richness of my imagination, and even fewer can support me in the way that I need. I tend to be very loyal and supportive as a friend, but I need to learn how to meet potential new friends halfway.
As I'm generally eloquent and persuasive, I tend to be quite popular at times and also influential. Me myself am often quite bemused by this, as I'm a very private individual who don't really need nor enjoy attention. I only have a few true friends, but I hope those friends value my companionship very highly.
I'm valued by my close friends for my warmth and consideration, my new and interesting ways of looking at things, and for my ability to inspire and motivate others to be the best that they can be.
I possess the ability to see behind the obvious, to clearly understand the idea behind the process. I'm extraordinarily insightful and able to sense other people’s thoughts, desires and emotions very easily.
I can act wisely and spontaneously even in the face of unforeseen events. It is hard to manipulate me as I evaluate the motives of other people very carefully. It is very rare that I'm tricked or talked into something I don't want. Nevertheless, I'm friendly and full of compassion, even though I can be very picky when it comes to choosing friends.
My life is not necessarily easy, but I'm capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement.
- Är reserverad
- Lyssnar noga
- Föredrar ensamma aktiviteter
- Är mer bekväm ensam än runt andra människor
- Blir utmattad av social interaktion
- Har tyst energi
- Lyssnar mer än jag pratar
- Tänker tyst inne i mitt huvud
- Tänker, sedan agerar
- Känner mig bekväm med att vara ensam
- Föredrar att arbeta "bakom-scenerna "
- Har god koncentrationsförmåga
- Föredrar att fokusera på en sak i taget
- Är självständig
- Är grubblande
- Litar på min fantasi
- Absorberas i idéer
- Fokuserar på vad som kan hända
- Fokuserar på helheten & möjligheter
- Beundrar kreativa idéer
- Märker om något är nytt eller annorlunda
- Är påhittig - jag ser vad som kan hända
- Tänker på framtida konsekvenser
- Litar på min magkänsla
- Föredrar att lära mig nya färdigheter
- Gillar att räkna ut saker för mig själv
- Arbetar i omgångar av energi
- Är känslig
- Följer mitt hjärta
- Håller känslor nära ytan
- Fokuserar på harmoni och samarbete
- Tar beslut utifrån mina känslor
- Framstår som varm och vänlig
- Övertygas av hur jag känner
- Är diplomatisk och taktfull
- Värderar harmoni och medkänsla
- Tar många saker personligen
- Är snabb på att berömma andra
- Motiveras genom uppskattning
- Undviker argumentationer och konflikter
- Är bestämmande
- Föredrar tydliga regler och riktlinjer
- Är ivrig att engagera mig
- Ser deadlines som heliga
- Vill ha saker bestämda
- Tar ansvar på allvar
- Är uppmärksam på tid, vanligen punktligt
- Föredrar att avsluta projekt
- Arbetar först, leker senare
- Söker avslutning
- Ser behov för de flesta regler
- Gillar att göra & hålla fast vid planer
- Finner tröst i planeringar