Always know what you want

   date: 2013-04-21 time: 02:58:29

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Prove them wrong

   date: 2013-04-20 time: 22:38:44

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foodporn day five

   date: 2013-04-15 time: 00:01:37

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foodporn day four

   date: 2013-04-13 time: 16:13:16

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foodporn day three

   date: 2013-04-11 time: 18:46:11

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foodporn day two

   date: 2013-04-10 time: 17:06:28

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foodporn day one

   date: 2013-04-09 time: 22:49:58

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Inspiration to stay healthy the upcoming week

   date: 2013-03-24 time: 12:53:37

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Find your greatness

   date: 2012-11-15 time: 21:46:45
This is Nathan. He is 12 years old. He's from London, Ohio. Greatness is not beyond his reach, nor is it for any of us.
Fantastic ad from Nike. I almost cried. GUYS I CAN'T HELP IT, STUFF LIKE THESE MAKE ME VERY EMOTIONAL. It's just so inspiring. My heart can't take it.

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It’s all about the way we see things.

   date: 2012-10-26 time: 22:29:15

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Sorry if you're under 18 don't unfollow me for the hardcore porn

   date: 2012-10-09 time: 19:48:45

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"Through the practices of yoga, we discover that concern for the happiness and well being of others, including animals, must be an essential part of our own quest for happiness and well being. The fork can be a powerful weapon of mass destruction or a tool to create peace on Earth."

   date: 2012-10-09 time: 16:15:50

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Winners never quit and quitters never win.

   date: 2012-09-16 time: 20:15:38

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   date: 2012-09-12 time: 20:46:07

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