{i'm sorry for the horrible updating (read: nonexistent)}
date: 2013-02-11
time: 21:58:00

Although I sometimes get sad for something that's missing in my life, I'm also very grateful for everything I have, for everyone that likes me and are with me. I might be ungrateful sometimes but I consider myself very lucky. I hope all of you are as lucky as I am for having your family with you, your friends, your life even if you have struggles and hard things you have to deal with everyday. Just think that every obstacle or hurtful thing makes you stronger and better as a person. I also hope you all know how beautiful and amazing you are. I'm not available as much anymore and I want to apologize for that. I don't have time to answer any questions on either kik, on here or on askfm. I barely have enough time to upload pics on Instagram anymore. There's just so much going on in school right now but fortunately there's this week left and then I have a well deserved holiday where I hopefully will be more active. Goodnight everyone ♥