Broccoli soup {gluten-free | low-lactose | vego | quick & easy}
date: 2013-02-27
time: 14:22:00

A smooth and bright green soup of broccoli is a delight for both your waistline and taste buds. Be careful with the hand blender if you want a lumpier soup.
Broccoli Soup (serves 2 people)
289 kcal / serving

Serve with:

Wash and cut the broccoli into small florets. Shred leek athwart and chop the garlic. Heat oil in a pan and fry the leek and garlic lightly. Add the broccoli and pour in the broth. Let it simmer with the lid on for about 5 minutes until the broccoli softens. Mix until smooth and season with salt and pepper and some herbs.