Today's lunch

I've had a pretty good day so far, except for being a bit tired due to staying up late last night snapchatting with Cassandra hahahah. Embarrassed myself big time and regret it today. As per usual. Haven't exactly done anything special today. I ate the same breakfast as I did yesterday, and then I went into town and bought a pair of shoes and a little yum for tonight. Ate lunch recently and now I'm lying under a duvet while freezing a looot. Yesterday I also remembered that it's only about a week left until I'm turning 16, which also seems kinda sick. This became a very messy post so sorry.
Lunch: Salad consisting of leafy greens (spinach and arugula), shrimp, crayfish, broccoli, sweet corn, bulgur, chicken, cherry tomatoes, soft-boiled eggs, and low-fat cottage cheese. Water.