Q/a - 24/3

   date: 2013-03-24 time: 15:37:00
Good thing I love bananas!
Yay for bananas!
Can you do a post like this but one with how to firm your butt? Your blog is awesome! hug
I'll try! Thank you so much! Hugssss
Thanks for the tip, great! Would be great if you could do this kind of post but with the ass as target, eg good exercises for the butt that you can do at home if you don't have a gymcard :) How many reps to do and how often, etc. Which exercises are the best to get the "perfect butt"? My butt is pretty flat though I run a lot, I want to get a bigger one and give it a "lift".
You're very welcome! I'll try to fix a post like that :) SQUATS / LUNGES / DONKEY KICKS / GLUTE LIFTS :) Just type it in google and see how they are done correctly xx
Read in Swedish

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