Q/a - 23/3
date: 2013-03-23
time: 10:06:00

Would you be able to explain what cardio is? Give tips on how to do cardio or something ... Grateful for answers! I love your blog!
Cardio basically means “heart”, it refers to activities that will get your heart rate up but still are low to medium intensity. Examples for cardio exercises: running, jogging, cycling, swimming, walking. How to do cardio: Just do one of the sports above mentioned haha. And thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Hello! I love your blog! Could you make a post where you tell us approximately how much of all nutrients (fat, carbs, etc..) you should consume on a daily basis? And if you have some simple tips on healthy snacks you can bring with you to the cinema. Thank you you inspire me a lot! xx
Hi and thank you so much! I can do a snacks for cinema post, but the thing with the nutrients is that 1) I’m not a nutritionist 2) I don’t know anything about you and your needs. But there is a general rule which says for an adult woman, based on a 2000 calorie intake, 240g carbs, 45g protein, 73g fat. This does not work for everyone though, it’s just a guideline. Runners might need more carbs while people who lift weights want more protein to build muscle.
Hi, I was wondering what you mean by that you should eat a little protein and some carbohydrates as well, then how are you supposed to get the energy to exercise?
Hi! Umm what do you mean? Of course you need carbs to fuel your body for workouts and for being alive in general! Your brain functions on glucose. Protein is needed for muscle growth and tissue repair.