Q/a - 19/3

   date: 2013-03-19 time: 19:04:00
Hi! I'm so bored on my oat meal! I eat it with cinnamon and bananas with milk, but I always eat it like that do you have any healthy alternatives how I can eat my oatmeal? 
Loove your blog!!! <3
Hi! Look at the collage further down and go get some inspiration (all pictures are from linfociti.tumblr.com)! And thank you I'm so happy you enjoy it!
My blog is about health and exercise :)
Sounds great too darling but just like I mentioned earlier to another girl I CAN'T SEE YOUR BLOG BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SEND IT TO ME! Try again :)
I'm wondering if allbran flakes and special k kellogs flakes are "good" cereal to eat for breakfast, or do they count as "sugary cereal"? thanks for your super duper awesome blog girl!
I recommend you to stay away from these! I just did some research and apparently they're not near as healthy as they're said to be. They're both high in sugar. I found some very interesting information so I thought I'd make a post about it since I think these companies trick a lot of people. Also thanks! Glad you enjoy it!!!
Read in Swedish

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