Why are you hungry all the time?
date: 2012-10-26
time: 19:54:22

So you're trying to change your lifestyle for the better? But you can't help but feel hungry all the time! There might be a reason for that.
You've changed your daily meals with vegetables, fruits and other low-calorie foods, but you're eating the same amount of food as before. Vegetables are not as filling as your usual meat and bread foods, so you'll need to eat more of the good food to feel and be satisfied.

How was your day? Not too good? It doesn't take long until you feel the old familiar feeling of hunger? Well, think again before you take a bite of that chocolate or anything else you might just be comfort eating. Find something else to do when you're feeling down or bored.

Your brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger. Before you take something to eat try having a glass of water instead!

Sometimes when you're trying to addapt to a new lifestyle you don't always know how to eat properly. Your body might be craving some important nutritions you're lacking of.

Do you think you're saving calories by skipping breakfast? Think again. By skipping breakfast you're more likely to feel hungry throughout the day and also overeat. Always eat something within an hour of awakening to keep your body optimized!