Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal
date: 2012-10-07
time: 23:12:37

Peanut Butter Cup Baked Oatmeal (serves 1)

Preheat oven to 195 C (380 F). Combine all ingredients and mix well (if peanut butter was in the fridge, you might want to heat it up a little so it's easier to stir). Pour into a greased 2 dl (1 cup) ramekin, or two 1 dl (½ cup) ramekins, or a mini-loaf pan. Cook for 20 minutes or more, until it gets firm. Finally, set your oven to "high-broil" for 3 more minutes, or until it reaches desired crispy-ness (or simply just bake longer, but broiling gives it a nice crust).
You can even make this the night before, or make multiple servings at once and freeze leftovers for an instant breakfast!
Recipe from this blog.