Fitness Success Formula
date: 2012-10-02
time: 22:36:22

Many girls are under the impression that if they don't have a gym membership, nike runners, or a cute workout bag, they can't work out. These are just excuses that are being created so you don't have to do it!
Follow these keys and you will get your success!
If you write an essay worth 50% of your final mark you wouldn't just scribble some rough ideas down in one go and submit it. You would make an outline, do research, edit and revise until it was as close to perfect as you could get it. The SAME approach needs to be taken with creating an exercise and meal plan! Spend an hour a day for a week doing research and mapping out some cardio and toning plans along with some healthy meals.

It doesn't matter how long or how fast you can run as long as you are; a) doing it! b) working on improving yourself. Everyone needs to start somewhere and you will never get to that next level if you don't finish the first.
If you buy a teeth whitener kit and only use it once a week for half the amount of necessary time, you're teeth are NOT going to get much whiter and it will not be the results you expected. You NEED to stick to it, everyday you have planned to go, GO! No excuses (other than serious injury)! If you are committing to it then DO IT! The first 2 months are crucial to not skip out.

Imagine the before and after picture, the baggy clothes, the miles you can run faster, how healthy you feel now, looking at your fitness progress. WHAT EVER IT IS THAT ARE YOUR DESIRED RESULTS, IT WILL FEEL AMAZING SEEING THEM!