*Body beautiful, body healthy* formula

   date: 2012-10-17 time: 10:48:49
Genes play a role in your physical appearance. The shape of your nose, the width of your shoulders, the fullness of your lips and virtually every physical detail are yours thanks to your parents.
No amount of exercise will reshape your body without appropriate nutrition. The blistering fuel from superior foods such as complex carbohydrates, lean protein, fruit and vegetables melts away fat and soon your muscular definition comes sharply into view.
You can make improvements to your genetic package by making improvements to your outward appearance. A thick waist can be trimmed down to a slimmer version; a saggy backside can benefit from uplifting resistance training and cardiovascular exercise; skinny legs can be enhanced by doing specific weight-training exercises to build them up.

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hur tar man reda på hur många kalorier man ungefär ska få i sig per dag?:)

  2012-10-17 21:08:49

hur tar man reda på hur många kalorier man ungefär ska få i sig per dag?:)

  2012-10-17 21:08:49


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