So I've been getting a lot of questions regarding running. I really wish I had time to answer all of your personal questions, but I just don't. Lucky for you, this is a WHOLE ENTIRE POST dedicated to that subject! This post will also be updated frequently as new tips show up. I'll remind you about it and link to this post so don't you worry!

One of the things about running is that you're ALWAYS pushing yourself to your limits, and sometimes past them. I suggest mixing up your running workouts in order to build endurance, speed and strength. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Run hill repeats. Find a steep-ass hill and run up it...over and over again. It doesn't really matter how fast you go, as long as you KEEP GOING. It's important to push yourself, because part of running is learning how to put up with tired legs and sore muscles!
2. Fartlek training. Basically during your run, jog for 5 minutes, then sprint for 15 seconds. After you sprint, go right back into jogging. Repeat this until you reach 30 minutes.
3. Strides. These can be done before/after your run. Mark out 100 meters or so and sprint it. Jog back to where you started, and do it again until you reach 4 to 5 times (this helps with speed at the beginning of races).
4. Strength training. You'll need to build up those muscles in your legs! I suggest this
POP Pilates video for calves and thighs.
5. CORE. The fastest runners have insanely strong core muscles. This means you not only need to build muscle in your legs, but also your core, or "abs". Check out
Gain Fitness to find workouts to target this area.
6. Arms. Strong arms also benefit runners. Start doing push-ups and use the
Gain Fitness website to find upper body workouts!
I'm just going to list a few things I think are important for every beginning runner to keep in mind.

The most important thing, I think, is to start off slowly. Don't expect that you're going to be running 5 minute miles (1½ km), or 32 kilometer (20 miles) long runs, right away. If you do too much too soon, you're going to get hurt and then you won't be doing any running. Ease into it. I think a good rule of thumb is to increase intensity by 10% each week. A lot of beginners like
the Couch to 5K program.

Don't be afraid to walk! Sometimes walking in the middle of a run to break it up when it gets too hard can help you extend the length of your run, thus keeping your heart rate elevated for a longer period of time, giving you the cardiovascular benefits longer.

Go to a running store and get someone who knows to help you find a running shoe that's right for you. Everyone's feet are different and as such different running shoes work best for different feet
(high arches, low arches, etc.). It might be a tad pricey, but it could also prevent future injuries and treating those can be costlier.

Weight training is not just for bodybuilders and football players! It helps prevent injury, and improves your speed and stamina. Don't be afraid of resistance training, just make sure you do it right.
Nike+ and
RunKeeper are great apps that allows you to keep a running log of your runs, map out distances and elevations and save those routes for future use. Keeping track of what you've done can be a good motivator for the future. Setting short and long term goals can really help you stick with something and down the road you can look back with pride to see how far you've come!

I think a big obstacle to people just starting out is actually making running a habit. If you skip a few days, that can turn into a week or two, then a month, and you're back at square one. So...schedule a run like you would schedule a doctor's appointment or a meeting or a class. I know everyone has busy schedules and often it's easy to say
"I'll just run tomorrow", and by doing that it keeps getting pushed back. Set some time aside beforehand, and on a regular basis, and make that "running time". If you stick to a routine, it'll become a habit.

It also can help to find someone to run with. If you know you're going to be running with a friend, it may help motivate you to push, or go in the first place.

Get enough rest! Just like with any exercise, you're body needs time to recover, so make sure you get enough sleep, especially on days you run. It'll help with soreness and recovery time, so you can be ready for your next run!

Get enough food! I know some people start running to lose weight and it can definitely help with that. But running on a severely restricted diet is dangerous. There's 8 gazillion different nutrition plans and each of them can work for some people and not for others. Whatever diet you're on
(if you are), make sure to get enough carbs, they're the primary fuel for runs and not poison as some diet plans may have you believe. Just remember that if you've just started running, you're burning more calories than you have been normally, therefore you need to eat more calories.

Keep the weather in mind. Remember that when you start running your body is going to warm up, so dress a little lighter than what would be comfortable to walk around in, and once you start running you will warm up to a more comfortable temperature. Also cotton can get soaked in sweat and become uncomfortable, and even cold in the winter, so it may be worth investing in some moisture-whicking material that all major brands sell nowadays.

Hydrate or die! Make sure, especially as you get into longer and longer distances and times, and in hotter weather, to keep yourself hydrated. If you start feeling light headed on a run, chances are you're NOT hydrated enough.
Just do it baby.