date: 2013-09-12
time: 20:51:22

life hack: eat well. drink lots of water. cut toxic people out of your life. realize you don't know everything. realize you don't have to give your input to every subject. realize that listening is often more important than speaking. try to exercise regularly. try to challenge yourself. don't romanticize other people. don't blame yourself for other peoples' faults. think critically about yourself. surround yourself with people who listen to you. listen to others. be a friend to get a friend. realize the you in your head is a figment of your imagination. read lots of things. erase your self image and replace it with something mutable and always changing. be kind to animals. recognize you're a very small creature made of stardust situated in a spatio-temporal fold you have no means of seeing beyond and that the only things that will last after your death are the good things you manage to do for others and the love you share. don't feel bad about enjoying silly things, don't let other people cow you into silence. fight for what you believe in. remember that you are perfect. remember that your existence is complex and cannot be reduced to trite aphorisms or a list of subjective characteristics. remember that none of this advice may apply to you. remember your family. remember where you come from. arm yourself for the future. arm yourself for the world. take care of yourself. you are never alone.
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /