lord give me strength
date: 2013-08-18
time: 02:54:18

do you ever just think about dating harry styles
like actually just coming home after work or whatever and seeing harry styles doing whatever it is he does and he just comes over and asks how your day was and kisses your neck and asks whats for dinner of if you want to go out and just
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uhh yeah so
date: 2013-06-26
time: 01:25:07

harry's hot but he's so big and awkward and bad at conversation and he's kind of a pushover and it makes me mad because if he wasn't famous i could totally seduce him and make him my slave
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date: 2013-06-25
time: 14:50:27

i want to get drunk with harry i bet he’s so cuddly and affectionate when drunk like just clings to ur arm and grabs ur shirt as u walk and he sits as close to u as possible and buries his face in ur neck while humming tunelessly and he says stupid things and cant quite control all of his limbs at the same time and u just have to take care of him and he loves it :(
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date: 2013-02-13
time: 22:49:07

but can you imagine harry kissing your neck really slow to tease you and then grabbing your hands to make them fit into his then he would kiss you on the lips with soft perfect lips but then he puts his lips centimetres away from yours, he keeps them there just to tease you and then he grabs your face and starts to give you the most passionate kiss you’ve ever gotten omg this is too much for me
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don't mind me, just having harry feels again
date: 2012-12-06
time: 23:58:00

this is honestly a recurring issue for me. i know it's so incredibly stupid but i honestly like have a problem. it's not some stupid crush on a member of a boy band. harry girls fall in love with harry. i don't know how it is for other girls but with harry you can't just be like "oh he's cute" and leave it at that. it's like you fall in love with him. every physical aspect of him. his accent. the way he says "us". how caring he is. his inability to make jokes. even the way his feet are always pigeon toed. it's quite ridiculous really because how do i know he's like that in real life? it just sucks.
first i will never meet them. ever. and even if i did i'm nothing remarkable. to them i'm just another girl who's obsessed with them. i'm just going to be another face among a sea of screaming girls. i'm not funny or witty or even that pretty. nothing about me would catch their eye. it's not even that i want harry to fall in love with me because i know that will never happen. i just want to be friends with them.

like look at all the crazy shit they do. i just want to have as much fun as they do and if i were able to spend even an hour with them i think my life would be complete. i'm ranting. i'm sorry if anyone's actually reading this.
it's just one huge depressing mess when i realize that they mean so much to me and i'll never mean a damn thing to them. i'm 15 and spend hours staring at pictures of harry. it's stupid and i don't even understand it anymore. i honestly just don't get it. i don't know. it just sucks so fucking badly.
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kill me now
date: 2012-12-02
time: 13:04:53

harry has just the perfect personality with his lame jokes that he laughs at he is just so cute and would be the best boyfriend and would just cheer you up all the time and make you laugh and hug you and whisper funny things in your ear and rub your back and want to just lay around all day with you and just tease each other GOD

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harry is ripping me apart
date: 2012-11-30
time: 20:20:35

can you imagine having a daughter with harry and when she's older and starts dating and harry gets all protective of her and tells the guy he better treat his daughter right or else and when she's out too late he'll get worried and start getting pissed and you'll hug him from behind and plant soft kisses on him to calm him down and at first you think it isn't working but then he turns around amirking and plants a soft kiss on your lips wow welp i'm gonna go swim in some lava for a bit seeya later

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fucking christmas-y boyfriend feels please disappear
date: 2012-11-28
time: 22:26:40

okay i just wanna live with harry in a cute little apartment and decorate for christmas with him and light up scented candles with him and sometimes he’ll randomly start singing a christmas song to you and watch old christmas movies with him and bake christmas cookies for him and then when you give him the cookies he kisses you on the cheek and says “thank you, love” and then you cuddle for the rest of the night and ugh im going to get therapy bye

earporn feels /

i need a therapist please
date: 2012-11-27
time: 22:22:18

so i just had a little peek into the hopeful future and basically i'm sitting on a couch, reading a book in one of harry’s hoodies and leggings with a cup of tea in my hand and it's snowing and harry comes home and he goes “hey babe,” and he lifts my legs and plops down on the couch next to me and turns on the telly and then puts my feet in his lap and rubs up and down my leg while watching the telly and i sneak peeks at his beautiful face from behind the book and he catches me and gives me a cheeky grin and goes “what?” and i go “nothing,” and smile and stare at my book but his eyes are glued to me and then he licks his lips, takes the cup from my hand and takes a sip and i'm staring at him and he’s staring right back and he sighs happily and places the cup on the table and then leans toward me and his hand takes a firm grip of my face and he kisses me and pulls the book out of my hands and throws it back and inches closer until i'm basically sitting on his lap, snogging him in a warm cozy room while snow falls outside our little flat in london sigh i need a hospital now

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