date: 2013-09-11
time: 20:44:02

- spend more time reading for pleasure (every night before i go to sleep?? even for just a lil while??? this would be good)
- spend more time journal-writing it’s fuckin cathartic
- do my homework asap so i can go out and have fun later
- don’t worry about texting ppl too much and don’t worry about ppl hating you that’s their business not yours
- have fun
- remember you’re not dumb for asking questions
- remember just bc the work is harder doesn’t mean your professors hate you for fucking up sometimes
- remember that you don’t actually hate doing your work, just starting it ((((and that’s just the beginning part it’s over in a sec! just do it!))))
- remember that fruit is always good to eat
- if you can’t decide whether or not to do something/say something, do it/say it
- smile more (take good care of your teeth!!)
- apologize less
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