date: 2013-09-12
time: 20:40:39

don't straighten the back of your hair. you won't be able to see it. you dress for you, not for them. don't straighten any part of yourself that you prefer curvy or unkempt.
you are not a piece of clothing to be folded into a suitcase, or an envelope to be stuffed in a mailbox, or a book that needs to fit on a shelf.
pack your bags. send letters to those you love to let them know how you feel. send letters to those you hate to let them know how they've wronged you and how you've forgiven them. read books. build shelves. stop worrying. stop thinking.
you do not have to lug yourself around. the more there is of you, the more strength there is to carry you. it all cancels out. your net weight is zero.
you are not a package - it does not cost more to ship you when you are bigger. you are a human being. ship yourself wherever you want to go.
stop making excuses. "i'm fat" is the dumbest reason to avoid living.
life is not a gym class. it does not exist to humiliate you. it is not about you, but it is for you. stop forging notes to get out of it. stop skipping days. don't fool yourself. live. get on with things.
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /