questions actually worth answering
date: 2013-06-25
time: 21:50:00

apart from blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?
cry over one direction write sucky poems and listen to indie music ya that's me
name a favorite of each: food, drink, color.
food: idk
drink: water
color: pink or something i don't know actually
if you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on?
unnecessary shit probs
name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
book: i don't have any favorite actually omg i need to read more
movie: the notebook
tv show: supernatural!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you were given the opportunity to spend 48 hours with absolutely anyone (living or dead), who would you spend it with and what would you do?
harry styles and i would probably throw up on him or make a fool of myself in some other way so that probably wouldn't be such a good idea though.
name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color.
food: rice pudding
drink: liquor
color: mossy green
what do you spend most of your money on?
food i guess
what kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?
comfortable and cute things
name a LEAST favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.
book: i don't really remember the names of horrible books tbh
movie: idk
tv show: ahhh what's it called i can't remember!!!!!!!!!! best days of our lives is also really bad maybe that one
if you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do?
throw up
what is the strangest thing you have in your room? (you are not allowed to explain why you own it)
omg i don't know
what is a wierd habit you have, or people have told you have? (wierd, not bad. no nail biting or any of that nonsense)
i kinda clear my throat in a sort of wierd way like it's not clearing my throat it's something else but it's even annoying me
what are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?
hardwood floors white walls a big kitchen furry carpets and big windows
if you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you choose and why?
probably a dog because they seem to love everything and yeah i would love to love everything and everyone
which band (current or past) would you want to go on tour* with? (*travel with, not perform with)
name a favorite of each: band, album, song.
one direction, tourist history, what you know
why is your favorite band your favorite?
that's not an answerable question if you're in the fandom you would know
how many concerts have you attended? which was your favorite? least favorite? if none, who do you want to see live the most?
like three or four maybe and my favorite was without a doubt one direction's concert because i kinda let go of everything and just had the time of my life and danced and sang and screamed and cried and laughed and i was so happy and i saw harry styles aka perfection so how could i not love it and i think my least favorit was markus fagervall but i liked that one too so i really don't know i don't think i've attended a bad concert ever and i've already seen my favorites live but i would love love love to see ed sheeran live just imagine his voice liVE I MEAN??????
what is one of your favorite song lyrics? (who is it by?)
probably //kiss me// or //small bump// both by ed sheeran
who do you ship?
me and harry
what band merch do you own? if any, whose is it and when did you get it? if none, whose do you wish you owned?
i don't own a lot but i have things merch from 1d and shakira i think
how big is it?
not big at all
how did you learn of the band that is currently your favorite?
well i heard wmyb on the radio and it was all downhill from there
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