frågor okok
date: 2013-06-25
time: 23:48:33

think of the last person who said i love you. do you think they meant it?
yeah we're future spouses so let's fucking hope so omg
would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
probably but i mean tbh i don't really think age should have a big impact bc if you like someone you do end of story
would you ever smile at a stranger?
uh yeah like i do that sometimes just to see their reactions and mostly it's fucking hilarious i should do that more often omfg
is there someone mad because you're dating/talking to the person you are?
lol i actually think there's a girl that's a bit jealous but i'm not gonna say anything cause i'm not entirely sure you feel me???
have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
yeah actually not only one song like at least more than five omg
what exactly are you wearing right now?
white lace panties omfg i should not tell you this intimate little stories but whatevs ilysm so y not
how often do you listen to music?
every hour of every day tbh i even have music playing on a low volume when i'm sleeping i think i'm obsessed but what to do right???
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