date: 2013-06-30 time: 19:06:23
stop posting your 'eating disorder story' or having 'my story' links on your blog!!!!!!! your mental illness is not a story!!! your mental illness does not make you a character of fiction or the tortured star of a dramatic film!! getting everything sorted in your head is one thing (so is writing a cautionary novel or a poem or anything that helps you purge your feelings about your struggles) BUT emphatically detailing 'your story' is another!! you soften the edges to include the time you cried delicately after fasting for four days but not the time you spent an hour shitting forty laxatives! you rattle off the number of times you went to the hospital and the number of years you suffered as if it is something of an accomplishment!!! it's not!! you are inadvertently glamorizing your illness!!!!!!!!!!! stop!!!!
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