being bitter and cynical all of the time is genuinely a terrible way to live and i believe that wholeheartedly, but glossing over emotions that arent all gentle and positive is really terrible too and i think it really does more harm than it does good… it is good to get sad, and angry, and it’s healthy to grieve, and cry, and scream sometimes. you cant pick and choose what emotions you feel, and repressing them is really not good at all (please try not to do that !!) and all of these feelings play crucial parts in the human experience, and there’s nothing wrong with embracing them when you need to. you can be sad but have an overall positive outlook on life at the same time. you can be body positive but have bad body image days. you can be angry but an overall gentle kind-natured person. im saying all of this just ‘cause i see some posts on here that seem to be trying to crush sadness with positivity which might seeeem like a good idea but i really dont think it is at all and i felt like saying something about it while everyones discussing this
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