if you want things to stay as they are things will have to change

no not the name of your home town or where you went to school or whether or not you have brothers and sisters.
i want to know if your brows furrow when you think and if your eyes change color to match your clothes. i want to know how many pillows you use when you sleep and the last thought in your head before you do. i want to know what makes you cry and if you ever pray. i want to know the distance between your shoulder blades and if they freckle in the sun. i want to know if your hands are rough or smooth and if there is a downy tuft at the small of your back. i want to know if you sing in the shower and the scent of your shampoo. i want to know your unspeakable fantasies and if you ever feel afraid.
but more than anything i want to know if you want to know about me too.
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /