"if this gets more than ____ notes i won't kill myself tonight"

i’m a little tired of seeing these. i don’t think the number of notes can measure how valuable you are. don’t you think it’s silly to put your life in the hands of a post? you and i both know that there is at least one person in the world that would be devastated if you left this world. a bunch of strangers online - no matter how many - would never be able to care or replace the people you know in real life. don’t put that kind of responsibility on bloggers. notes are just a number. it will not save you and it will not make your life any better or worse than it is now. you have to fight for that. and remember that you are never going to be put in a situation where you can’t win. it’ll take time and it’ll take effort but you stand a chance for certain.
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /