date: 2013-09-01
time: 11:16:32

listen to me
you are not selfish for wanting to die
i miss when you would squint your eyes
to catch flakes of light caught in your lashes
but i still feel you
everywhere i go
you're living in my fingertips and i'm leaving traces of you
for everyone to see
that you are still here
i want you to take your medication
when you're supposed to take it
take the proper amount
cry if you need to,
but realize it is okay to need help sometimes
i want you to put your shoes on today
and step outside
skip school if you need to
just talk to the flowers and trees and bugs
don't try for your mother or your sister or me,
do it for yourself
because you will always be worth trying
you will always be worth life
whether it trembles on through three am phone calls
or brushes itself through your hair when you dance in your underwear
you are not selfish for wanting to die
you are human and you are here and i feel it
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