date: 2013-09-01
time: 00:17:38

a poem for each of the guys i've ever loved
you were my favorite 3am
i still think the eyebags
are worth it
my new sheets can never
compare to how your bare skin
makes me feel safe
my mom still asks about you
how you are and what you do
i wish i still knew the answers
my hands never seem to fit
right with anyone else's
other than yours
i had the poems you wrote me framed
and hung in the darkest
spaces of my mind
i wish my feelings would just
wilt away like the flowers you gave me
which i still water every day
i think i need you
more than i needed to pass that lit class
i just realized too late
when you asked what i thought about your haircut, i
only laughed because you seemed to think i would
love you less if there were less of you
these are all for you
there has been no one since you
and even before you)
poems /