date: 2013-06-28
time: 01:08:40

do not say "no one knows i am dying inside"
as if it is some badge of honor
the "mask you wear" is nothing to brag about
neither is the "smile you fake every single day"
it is hard to not be okay and i am sorry for that
but pretending you are okay is the easy part
be brave
and tell someone
reach out to a friend or family member
because i am done awarding you sympathy points
you are not a trooper
you are an actor playing the part expected of you
do not pretend that you have built
these layers of armor to protect others
you are not a martyr
you are a scared girl who thinks
the best way to get attention is to pretend you detest it
strong isn't suffering in silence
strong is asking for help
that is the hardest thing
so shut up and talk to someone
poems /