when a young man complains that a young lady has no heart it's pretty certain that she has his.
date: 2012-12-17
time: 17:59:24

i know this is my personal blog and that i'm supposed to be able to vent here but i have a feeling that a lot of people who know me in real life is following this blog and no matter how much i want to vent right now i can't and it's kinda depressing. i can't even tell what kind of venting there would be because then everyone would know everything. but, moving on..

i know i've barely updated at all here but i'm stuck in a period of time where i can't turn my feelings into words like i usually can. my days aren't very interesting either so i can't tell you about that.
well actually there's this one thing that's been bothering me. i don't know if this is serious or not but i've developed a fear towards some foods and that's kind of scary. i've never been afraid of food and i honestly always thought that that wasn't possible for me but i guess it is.. as an example: soda. i'm afraid of soda. i've been researching a lot about it and how toxic it is for the body but i mean i still never thought it would be this bad. during christmas in sweden it's popular to drink a soda called "julmust" and i really like it and i've been telling myself that it's okay for me to drink it because christmas is only once a year you know but i just can't. yesterday i even had a nightmare about soda I MEAN HOW WIERD IS THAT??? i don't want to have "fear foods".
other than that my mood is actually pretty much amazing nowadays. i only have one week left in school and it's christmas soon and ahhh i'm excited. harry is still ruining my life with his perfection so i guess my life isn't changing drastically at the moment at least. i really don't know what more to say so i guess this is goodbye.
what's life??? /