all i want for christmas is harry styles naked in my bed.
date: 2012-12-05
time: 00:01:00

today has been such a stressed out day so i haven't really had time to blog anything, but i do now so i guess you all should be happy right? :)))
i don't have anything to say really. it's a busy week. today i've cheated a bit and felt horrible afterwards (not guilt, my body just doesn't react well to unhealthy stuff) and i haven't eaten anything since because i've been feeling sick non-stop ugh... i've been drinking a lot of water though so hopefully all toxins and stuff will be out of my body before i know it.

i've just finished up my speech for tomorrow too, and i will be talking about soda and the effects it has on the human body. i was going to speak about health in general at first, but i got an anxiety attack and ugh it was so bad so no, i will go with this instead. wish me luck?? xx
other than that my beautiful boy wasn't harmed at MSG so i'm really happy about that. will i ever get past this stage of my life??? god i care too much about harry.
i'm going to bed now, but i'll probably write something tomorrow. byeeee
what's life??? /