
there are a lot of fucked up things happening in the world recently but for some reason this trayvon martin thing really got to me in particular
i was thinking about him this morning - how there was nothing unusual about him he was just a normal kid and if he was white he would still be alive and that’s as clear cut as it gets
and absolutely no one can deny that if a black man got out of his car and
killed an unarmed white boy that man would be in jail for the rest of his life - no one would even think about his motives the way we think about zimmerman. no matter how much we hate him, we do think about him, about why he did it, about the fact that he was a horrible racist, about what was going through his sick mind. but if a black man killed a white boy, there wouldn’t even be any of that. he’d be in prison in a second and (aside from wanting him dead and using him as justification for racism) no one would give him another thought - their thoughts would be only with the murdered boy
our thoughts should be with trayvon martin and his loved ones - further victims of this world’s rampant racism, the existence of which a shocking number of people continue to deny
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i don’t want to be bitter but wow sometimes it’s like we actually live in such a disgusting world and i don’t want to feel that way but it seem so irreparable ugh idk i was so much happier before i opened my eyes wow i want to be optimistic i want to be hugh grant in love actually you know i want to go to the airport and watch people hug i don’t want to know that some people are so awful
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i’ve recently been cooking up an idea for a novel i want to write which might sound dumb but i’m so excited about it. i love writing poetry but it’s really just something i do to keep myself busy. i’m not very good at it, and while it’s a fun hobby, story-writing is something i’ve loved since i was a child. i’ve been kind of intimidated by prose for the past few years because i don’t tend to have the commitment for it. even when i was younger, i would write pages and pages of a “novel" and map out the whole plot before abandoning it for lack of motivation. recently, however, inspiration finally struck!!!!!!!! it’s silly but i’m suddenly very attached to the characters i’ve concocted and i think this is something i can stick to~~
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what a stupid girl
falling head over heels in love
with a boy she’s never met
a boy who will never know of her existence
but that doesn’t matter to her
because this boy makes
her world spin round
this boy brightens her day
this boy is in magazines
and you can hear his voice on the radio
she even has to pay money
to see this boy in person
this boy is an ocean
and 6 hours away
but that doesn’t matter to her
what a stupid girl
the odds are against her
but she still has hope
that one day
this boy
will be hers
poems /


I yearn for
hot tea warmth and
layers of clothes,
feeling the first snow
melt on my skin;
nothing’s more euphoric.
Even if I’m
(Secretly) dreading it,
frost is friendly because
rejecting the cold
is the first step
in getting warm.
poems /


it’s so weird when people die it’s just like ok im here now im breathing im speaking and i have all this responsibility and burden and emotion and relationships and love and hate and posessions and then before you know it youre just a lifeless corpse who doesnt have a soul anymore and then you basically just turn back into ashes 6 ft. below the ground as if you never existed
death is so cool but so weird/scary
scary in the sense that it’s the most unpredictable thing
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new orleans

what's life??? /

san antonio

what's life??? /


what's life??? /


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poems /