Dill Dip
date: 2012-10-28
time: 19:17:20

Homemade Dill Dip (12 servings)

Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Refrigerate until well chilled.

Recipe from this blog.
Skinny Alfredo Sauce and Chicken Sausage with Kale Pasta
date: 2012-09-09
time: 20:46:57

Skinny Alfredo Sauce (makes 2½ dl [1 cup])

Place all items in a food processor and blend until smooth. Test-taste and add any additional spices you find necessary.

Chicken Sausage and Kale Pasta (with skinny alfredo sauce and onions) [serves 4-5]

Cook pasta according to box directions. While pasta is cooking, add olive oil to a large frying pan. Add sliced onions and cook for about 10 minutes over low-medium heat, stirring occasionally (make sure you’re keeping an eye on the pasta, too). When onions have softened, add chicken sausage. Continue to cook for 8-10 minutes. Add chopped kale to frying pan and cover with a lid. Sauté for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve chicken sausage, onions, and kale over pasta and finish off with skinny alfredo sauce. Add a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, if desired.
Recipe from this blog