Learn to love fruit ~
date: 2012-09-18
time: 19:43:00

Apples have been a power food since the Garden of Eden. They’re low in calories, rich in fiber, and a source of boron, a mineral your mind may require for mental alertness and that your body uses to maintain sufficient levels of calcium.

Tart yet sweet, apricots are a storehouse of beta-carotene, a nutrient that helps protect against many types of cancer. Three raw apricots or ten dried halves will give you your daily quota of this nutrient.

Here’s one creamy food that can help lower your cholesterol – by as much as 9 to 43 percent, according to one study. Avocados are also rich in potassium and magnesium, two minerals your muscles rely on.

The banana is the world’s best natural, low-fat source of vitamin B6, a nutrient that helps make antibodies to fight disease. Eat just one banana, and you have taken in one-third of the recommended daily allowance of B6.

Bet you wouldn’t think of the nectarine when asked to name a fiber-rich fruit. Yet a single nectarine has even more fiber than a whole banana. Nectarines are also an excellent source of vitamin A and potassium.

Sure, orange is synonymous with vitamin C. But did you know it’s also a source of calcium? A medium size orange gives you as much calcium as an ounce of Brie, though it has 30 fever calories and none of the sodium.

Keen on peaches? Well that’s peachy keen because this source of vitamins A and C will satisfy your sweet tooth without overloading you with fat. Pick fresh peaches over canned to get the maximum fiber benefit from this fruit.

This fruit is a good source of vitamin C. A medium sized grapefruit contains 50 percent more vitamin C than the recommended dietary allowance. Try flavoring it with cinnamon instead of sugar.

If you’ve never eaten a prune, you’re in for a moving experience. Prunes are nature’s best-tasting laxative. They contain a great deal of fiber, making them great for lowering your blood cholesterol level as well.

Heaven can be had for just 152 calories a slice. But don’t dismiss watermelon as a mere taste-pleaser. The vitamin C content of this juicy melon may help protect you against cancer of the esophagus and stomach.

Say “fiber” and you immediately think of heavy foods such as bran, right ? Well, strawberries contain fiber too, the soluble kind that slows digestion of foods so you feel full longer. Count them for vitamin C, too.

Fragrant and inviting, this juicy melon packs a vitamin C wallop. You can also count on it for potassium, a mineral you need in sufficient amounts to keep your muscle from cramping. Let your sweet tooth indulge.

They are very powerful antioxidants. They are very rich sources of vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients and other minerals present in pomegranates help in the prevention of many diseases.