nO number nine


on how to make friends

29 april

nO number eight

try to love again

someone teach me how to fucking do it please

seriously get a grip


nO number seven

why did i do this i hatelove my mind

sixty-six days to go
"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
- Louise Flory

nO number six

Cinnamon Spiced Salted Caramel

- 5 dl [2 cups] medjool dates, pitted
- 1 dl [1/2 cup] + 2 tbsp water
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
“It's difficult to make lifestyle changes. A lot of times it's misinformation. A lot of times it's difficult to choose healthy selections all the time.”

look around - everything is always changing and everything is always able to change, the only thing that is standing in the way of change are people like you
who are so cynical and disenfranchised that you believe i am powerless
people like you who hold so little respect for me that you believe i am powerless
i have been made powerless, and people will try to make me powerless again, but I’m not going to let that stop me.
so fuck you all, i am going to change everything and then i’m going to laugh in your face.
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”


nO number five

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

like i just don't get it please someone explain this to me i'm so confused


“There is a danger of changing too much in the search for perfection.”

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

“A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.”

nO number four

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

- Augusten Burroughs, This Is How

“You don't have to be skinny, but just eating right and doing 15 minutes of a walk is enough to keep your body healthy for as long as you live.”

things i'm good at:

- living in denial
- not sleeping
- listening to songs on repeat until i can't stand them
- dressing like a hobo
nO number three

“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”

“Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.”

"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends."

- Gloria Steinem

nO number two

baby i'm yours

Folk Like Us Fair Trade Crinkle Cotton Maxi Skirt -
BASERange Elastic Soft Bra -
Zara Flat Thong Sandals With Buckle -
Bohemia Leather Briefcase Satchel Bag, 12.5" Indigo Bohemia -
Karen Walker Harvest Sunglasses | Black -
Karin lipstick -
CHANEL LE VERNIS Nail Colour Emprise -
Marc by Marc Jacobs M6122246 Black Multi iPhone Case -
you are the love love love love of my life

“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.”

nO number one

- Neale Donald Walsch

A truly healthy diet

- doesn't exclude foods
- is made up of foods, not numbers
- is varied and flexible
- is not restrictive
- allows you to trust your body
- is not obsessive
- doesn't use food as a reward or punishment
- doesn't have to be "perfect"
- allows you to live your life, but it is not your life
- does not exclude any food group
- consists of foods that make you feel energized and healthy


Carven Crepe Wool Puffball Skirt -
H&M Leather sandals -
HarLex Personalized Leather Handbag - Hand Stitched -
ASOS Nude Round Sunglasses -
plus och minus

my morning

sunlight through window
flannel pajamas
ice cold water
fruit tray
browsing among abroad images
Untitled #14

Steven Alan Roll Neck Sweater -
TOPSHOP MOTO Black Skinny Leigh Jeans -
Chuck Taylor All Star Sneaker -
Fossil Archival Mini Stainless Steel Watch -
Elsa Peretti® Open Heart pendant -
Blouses Peak Blouse Off White -
... -

Always know what you want
Prove them wrong
Untitled #338

Just do it

- Unknown

- Lucy Howard-Taylor, Biting Anorexia

we don't waste no precious time

- Iain S. Thomas, Intentional Dissonance


- Don Miguel Ruiz

Six simple rituals for more winning:

1. Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Your body loses water while you sleep, so you’re naturally dehydrated in the morning. A glass of water when you wake helps start your day fresh.
2. Define your top 3. Every morning ask yourself, “What are the top three most important tasks that I will complete today?” Prioritizes your day accordingly and don’t sleep until the Top 3 are complete.
3. The 50/10 Rule. Solo-task and do more faster by working in 50/10 increments. Use a timer to work for 50 minutes on only one important task with 10 minute breaks in between. Spend your 10 minutes getting away from your desk, going outside, calling friends, meditating, or grabbing a glass of water.
4. Move and sweat daily. Regular movement keeps us healthy and alert. It boosts energy and mood, and relieves stress.
5. Express gratitude. Gratitude fosters happiness. Each morning, think of at least five things you’re thankful for. In times of stress, pause and reflect on these things.
6. Reflect daily. Bring closure to your day through 10 minutes of reflection. Asks yourself, “What went well?” and “What needs improvement?

I’m sorry to my followers for the image below, but it’s the most shocking I’ve seen from the news about Boston and it might wake people up to what’s going on around them.
PEOPLE have done this. HUMAN BEINGS. I’m so done with humanity. As a planet we are just falling apart more and more every day and it’s the good people that are suffering. There’s just no need for all this violence all the time. What the fuck are these evil people trying to achieve by doing something like this?
People run a marathon in respect to the victims of the Connecticut shooting, and someone thinks “I’m gonna bomb them”. I just can’t understand this. There’s too many disgusting people on this planet.
Look how pale he is from all the blood lost from his legs coming off. This is sad. How could a person in their right mind do this. It’s terrible. That man will now only have half of his legs, and may or may not survive. His bone is just there, covered in blood, and his skin hanging. I just don’t get it. How could a person do this?
I 100% support everything that has been said about Boston, but I also think we ALL need to take a fucking step back and realize that disgusting things like bombing cities just like what is happening there happens everyday all over the world. As human beings we need to wake the fuck up and realize how fucked up this all is and take note that the media is all over this story because it’s in the US. Our worst nightmare is some peoples' daily reality. Seriously. Yes, what is happening in Boston is real, and yes, lives have been lost. I am not trying to compare one tragedy to another; that would be pointless. I just think we all need to open our eyes and realize that media coverage needs to change.
I want all of you to STAY SAFE.
- Unknown

Run For Boston

Run tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.
Run for love and life and passion. I don’t care if you hate running and think it is the stupidest thing on planet earth. Just run. Because you are alive.
Then, run a race. You can walk 5K. Do it because you can. Find a race near you in the next week or three and pin on that number and run.
Tell others you are running. Ask them to join. Run for health and better living. Run because right now there is someone who wants to but literally cannot. Run to feel better physically and mentally.
Run to show the violent that there are not enough bombs in the world to stop you. Run to remember those killed today, and to show those injured that you will not forget them. Run to show the bombers that they will never win. Ever.
Run for Boston.
feels from hell oh yes

- Ben Okri

i don't know why i did this

2.When did your last hug take place?
3.Are you a jealous person?
4.Are you tired right now?
5.Do you chew on your straws?
6.Have you ever been called a tease?
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
8.Do you cry easily?
9.What should you be doing right now?
10.Are you a heavy sleeper?
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
12.Are you mad at someone right now?
13.Do you believe in love?
14.What makes you laugh no matter what?
15.Who was the last person you talked to?
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
17.Will you get married?
18.When was the last time you smiled?
19.Does anyone like you?
20.Do you secretly like someone?
21.Who was the first person you talked to today?
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
23.What are you NOT looking forward to?
24.What ARE you looking forward to?
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
28.Are you a forgiving person?
29.How many TRUE friends do you have?
30.Do you fall for people easily?
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?
37.Can you live a day without TV?
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
39.Three names you go by..
40.Are you currently in a relationship?
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
43.What’s your current problem?
44.Have you ever had your heart broken?
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
46.How many kids do you want to have?
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?
foodporn day five
- Unknown

- Imam Ali
foodporn day four
- George Washington Carver

- Edwin Elliot

foodporn day three
i just need somewhere to dump all my negativity

- i woke up but was still extremely tired so i snoozed and this resulted in me waking up later than i would have liked
- i went out in the kitchen to make breakfast and my cat was being annoying as fuck and i don't wanna sound harsh but i wanted to murder him
- i ate my breakfast for too long so i had to stress
- someone was on the toilet so i had to brush my teeth in the kitchen
- i got my period //tmi sorry//
- i couldn't find matching socks and ended up being 10 minutes late out the door
- it was cold as hell outside so my fingers lost all their warmth
- nothing bad happened until lunch when i nearly collided with a guy and got scared to death (nearly)
- it's snowing outside now
- ok i can't think of anything else


- Kara Goucher

foodporn day two
What's the point of cute boys existence if I can't have one
Liam’s cute lil eyebrow thing when he sings
foodporn day one
- Yasmin Mogahed
My wrist hurts

Harry styles was a weir d frickin kid

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

Noodle boy
Pin me to the bed and take off my clothes
- Henry Rollins

- Yann Martel, Life of Pi

About me // who am i?

- Anthony Hopkins

- Fred Rogers

- Unknown

- House
I wouldn't mind dying - it's the business of having to stay dead that scares the shit out of me.

Why skipping meals, fasting or restricting is a really bad idea:

- It only takes 4 - 6 hours for your body to enter into starvation mode. In this mode your metabolism slows down making you less efficient at burning calories. Your body will protect the fat on your body in order to keep you warm and will instead start burning up your muscles for energy - including your heart.
- Your brain uses glucose it gets from food to work properly. You get fuzzy headed after not eating for a few hours because your brain can’t store the glucose and the glucose from your latest meal has been used up. You may notice you start getting shaky, tired, very hungry, unable to concentrate, a pounding heart, nausea, headaches and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms. All of which are resolved by eating something.
- Your heart and kidney tissues alone need 200 calories a day for each pound they weigh (your heart weighs approximately half a pound, one kidney weighs around 0.37 pounds). Your brain requires around 109 calories per pound a day to function and your liver needs 91 per pound (your brain weighs around 3.8 lbs, your liver about the same). On top of this, your muscles need 6 calories per pound at rest - that’s without even getting out of bed. This means that your body needs on average 700 - 1000 calories per day JUST to keep you alive.
- Food is nutrition and your body needs a certain amount of nutrition to work properly. So not enough food = not enough nutrition. That means drying hair and skin, weakened nails, osteoporosis, constipation, insomnia, coldness, poor circulation, stopped periods. We make the mistake in today’s society of thinking food is bad. It’s not. We’ve forgotten in the mania to be thin that food is actually the thing which keeps us alive.
- One final point. Weight lost quickly will initially be water weight and the weight of the food in your body. That’s why people lose a lot of weight in the first week of a diet - it’s got nothing to do with losing fat. Weight lost quickly is weight gained back again quickly. Crash diets and fasts don’t work in the long run, it really is that simple.
Harry feels and such

Change in appearance

- Frida Kahlo
- Siddhartha Gautama